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Thread: A folk hero or not?

  1. #21
    Senior Member gimmethesimplelife's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tybee View Post
    But murder is the ultimate Hitlerian act. Don't you get that?
    Yes. I consider the late Brian Thompson very much Hitlerian with his AI claims denying software mercilessly and illegally causing innocent patient deaths. Cold blooded murder on a NYC street is not something to celebrate per se, no - But Brian Thompson and turbo charged capitalism drew first blood. Good riddance! Rob

  2. #22
    Senior Member catherine's Avatar
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    Where we once looked up to leaders and felt that they had our interests in mind, now the words you hear to describe today's power structure are "oligarchy" "corporatocracy," "out-of-touch elites" and "meglomania."

    As far as the AI claim denial, there are strict policies written for every drug approved and covered by insurance companies. So, if there is a criterion (like, the patient has to first try and fail standard of care) that triggers an automatic denial, there are systems in place to appeal. AI seems like a sub-human way to sift through all those initial claims, but, Rob, you have to also consider that appeals are routine. If doctors try for a drug and they can't get it, they can call for a review. Of course this takes time and doctors don't like to have to do it.

    I sound like an apologist for the insurance companies, and I'm not. You know I hate the system. I'm just explaining that AI has simply taken over the rote work of other low level staff members working at insurance companies. As far as I know, anyway. But is it fundamentally messed up that 3rd party corporate profit drives treatment decisions? Yes.
    "Do any human beings ever realize life while they live it--every, every minute?" Emily Webb, Our Town

  3. #23
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    Well, I sorta get where Rob is coming from (and his obsession w AI use seems akin to IL's obsession with trans people.. many of us have our own hot-button issues) - it does seem more cold blooded when there's no human involved. I read/heard somewhere today that 90% of denials are reversed on appeal. That is ridiculous, and points to a very arbitrary and broad use of denials without much reason. The problem with appeals is that they seem really daunting, especially when you, or your loved one, is really hurting and scared. I know, I've done some for DH. It can be exhausting. The insurance industry KNOWS how daunting it seems, and they plan on that keeping a large number of people from appealing to start with. And that is unconscionable. Maybe the good to come out of this murder will be the start of a change in our values - human life over profits. But more likely, it will lead to a smattering of breast beating, and either the resumption of the status quo, or an upswell of violence against whomever the mob focuses on next. I don't have great hopes at the moment.

  4. #24
    Senior Member iris lilies's Avatar
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    Haha I thought of Rob’s obsession in line with mine, but I would call his “ healthcare in America” with AI being just a small part.

  5. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by gimmethesimplelife View Post
    Human lives were spared by this heroic and long overdue act. I vote for sparing human life against capitalism and the United States. YMMV. Rob
    No they weren’t. All this sad little narcissist accomplished was to add to the sum total of human misery. While any number of internet ghouls can get their jollies gloating over the death of this man, it wasn’t a bold blow struck against “capitalism and the United States”. It was a vile act committed by a sick mind hoping for the applause of other sick minds, that will change nothing outside the victim’s family.

  6. #26
    Senior Member bae's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gimmethesimplelife View Post
    I can see being against cold blooded murder on a NYC street - but was not Brian Thompson HIMSELF guilty of murder?
    I don't seem to recall Brian Thompson being arraigned and tried by a jury. Or offered any sort of due process.

    So, no, he was not guilty of murder.

    The alleged assassin will be offered these due process rights though.

    Do you wish to set aside rule of law?

  7. #27
    Senior Member Tradd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bae View Post
    I don't seem to recall Brian Thompson being arraigned and tried by a jury. Or offered any sort of due process.

    So, no, he was not guilty of murder.

    The alleged assassin will be offered these due process rights though.

    Do you wish to set aside rule of law?
    We know he does.

  8. #28
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    I’m curious why New York is only charging him with second degree murder.

  9. #29
    Senior Member bae's Avatar
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    The UK's NHS is generally ranked as one of the best public healthcare systems on earth. My daughter lives in the UK, and is quite a fan.

    Yet, as they do not have unlimited resources, they ration care, and people suffer, and sometimes die, as a result.

    Is that violence? Should the people who run it be executed by V-for-Vendetta folk-heroes on the streets of London? (I mean, they have irritating weapons policies in the UK, so the execution would probably have to be done with a narwhal tusk, but those are easy to come by there.)

  10. #30
    Senior Member bae's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LDAHL View Post
    I’m curious why New York is only charging him with second degree murder.
    I understand it is somewhat common to undercharge in the initial stages of a criminal arrest/prosecution. Especially when they are still working on the investigation.

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