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Thread: She just can't go away!!!

  1. #11
    Senior Member gimmethesimplelife's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alan View Post
    I think the extreme far left hungers for a Che Guevara type figure willing to perform the worst possible atrocities imaginable in support of their adolescent revolutionary romanticism.
    It's too much to ask for to keep AI AND for profit capitalism out of medical care approval decisions? See why I have the take I do on the United States? Can you blame me? Rob

  2. #12
    Senior Member gimmethesimplelife's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by iris lilies View Post
    Iowa Farm girl Keri Lake has movie star bone structure, so that gets her far in life.

    Newsweek is reporting that Kari did not get that Mexico job, so Rob try to keep up with your outrage topics.
    As a gay man I find Kari Lake - strictly on the surface, mind you - to be a very attractive woman. Until she starts her rhetoric which shatters the pleasant illusion. I truly wish she'd stayed behind her anchor desk at Fox News 10 Phoenix. For her sake, too. Rob

  3. #13
    Senior Member gimmethesimplelife's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tradd View Post
    Frankly, I think Rob’s politics are more akin to Cuba or Russia, but I know at least Russia doesn’t like gays. Not sure about Cuba.
    ? Wanting universal health care makes me a Communist? Then given the fact that every other developed nation has socialized medicine, the rest of the developed world is Communist? Perplexing. Rob

  4. #14
    Senior Member gimmethesimplelife's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by frugal-one View Post

    Based on this last election, we will find out how close our politics will resemble Russia in the foreseeable future.
    Here's something about me I don't often mention. Though I go on and on regarding a certain central European country - half my blood is Russian - on my father's side. My grandparents on that side were from Minsk in what is now Belarus. I have a great deal of respect for the endurance of the Russian people and how honestly blunt they tend to be. But their government leaves much to be desired and a hotspot of human rights it is not. I also can not forgive the invasion of Ukraine. Rob

  5. #15
    Senior Member Tradd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gimmethesimplelife View Post
    ? Wanting universal health care makes me a Communist? Then given the fact that every other developed nation has socialized medicine, the rest of the developed world is Communist? Perplexing. Rob
    You are positively luxuriating in the death of the insurance CEO. Your politics fit right in with the Bolsheviks and Castro. Down with the elite! Long live the proletariat.

  6. #16
    Senior Member gimmethesimplelife's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tradd View Post
    You are positively luxuriating in the death of the insurance CEO. Your politics fit right in with the Bolsheviks and Castro. Down with the elite! Long live the proletariat.
    Please point the finger exactly where it belongs - towards the United States of America. YES! For creating a situation in the first place where AI could even be used to deny claims. Let us be grateful for the many spared lives this murder that turbo charged capitalism created yields. One murder, many lives spared from the United States of America - once again, a country that blantantly values human life so little that AI is actually used to deny claims. What happens when YOUR claim is denied????? Rob

  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by gimmethesimplelife View Post
    Please point the finger exactly where it belongs - towards the United States of America. YES! For creating a situation in the first place where AI could even be used to deny claims. Let us be grateful for the many spared lives this murder that turbo charged capitalism created yields. One murder, many lives spared from the United States of America - once again, a country that blantantly values human life so little that AI is actually used to deny claims. What happens when YOUR claim is denied????? Rob
    I don’t think you quite understand how insurance works. Do you honestly believe that murdering a CEO immediately changes a company’s policies and practices? They come and go all the time. One or several criminally insane acts won’t change that, nor should it.

    You’re justifying a cowardly murder by blaming “the United States of America”, which in your mind appears to be a sort of combination of neglectful parent and criminal conspiracy. It’s the sort of morally vacuous thinking that sells Che Guevara t-shirts.

  8. #18
    Senior Member Tradd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gimmethesimplelife View Post
    Please point the finger exactly where it belongs - towards the United States of America. YES! For creating a situation in the first place where AI could even be used to deny claims. Let us be grateful for the many spared lives this murder that turbo charged capitalism created yields. One murder, many lives spared from the United States of America - once again, a country that blantantly values human life so little that AI is actually used to deny claims. What happens when YOUR claim is denied????? Rob
    You hate the US so much? THEN LEAVE already and go to some third world shithole you seem to prefer. You love to identify with the downtrodden so much? Sell your house with the rental property and rent some rundown apartment. Give up your cushy supermarket job and go pick veggies or do grass cutting or something.

    But the irony of it - you don’t have enough money for another country to let you in, do you?

  9. #19
    Senior Member gimmethesimplelife's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tradd View Post
    You hate the US so much? THEN LEAVE already and go to some third world shithole you seem to prefer. You love to identify with the downtrodden so much? Sell your house with the rental property and rent some rundown apartment. Give up your cushy supermarket job and go pick veggies or do grass cutting or something.

    But the irony of it - you don’t have enough money for another country to let you in, do you?
    Something you may find interesting here, Tradd, is that SO and I are looking into 10 year visas in India to reclaim our lives faster. India offers life at a significant discount that makes Mexico look expensive. It would mean 180 days in India, two months out, and then 180 days lather, rinse, repeat. India of course is no bastion of gay rights but is, unike Russia and China, moving in a better direction. And no terror of healthcare necessary as it's quite affordable if you come with Western currency. DEFINITELY we would visit first.

    I can say that the responses I'm getting here - putting murderous CEO Brian Thompson's life over that of many innocent.policyholders - truly makes me question my presence in this country. I can see and understand not being down with cold blooded murder (which IS what it was) on a NYC street. Granted. Where I depart from you'all and why it's brutally clear I don't belong here morally and ethically - it's not OK to end Brian Thompson's life. But is IS OK to use AI to end many innocent policyholder lives via denying claims in the name of profit. I am better than this. Nor can I look the other way on this one. Rob

  10. #20
    Senior Member Tradd's Avatar
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    If india is so nice, then why do so many of their people want to move here? I deal with Indians daily for work and company is owned by them. They dislike women and gays. They think nothing of killing women. It’s a shithole.

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