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Thread: She just can't go away!!!

  1. #31
    Senior Member gimmethesimplelife's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by iris lilies View Post
    Again, such a strange micro-obsession.

    I consider the issue of denied insurance claims to be a valid one for discussion.

    The mechanics of how those claims are processed isn’t worth discussion by outsiders since we do not have specific knowledge. Whether claims are denied by a digital process or by little drones in cubicles, it doesn’t much matter to me. The policies that determine denied claims are the real deal.

    So, I consider the narrowly focused issue of AI claim denial to be a fringe “out there” topic.
    For me the use of AI in this particular context makes the United States irrevocably inhumane and non-viable. This is why the focus on AI here. I grant that were these claims denied by humans all the same would apply - it's just that the use of tech here strikes me as Hitlerian in it's efficiency....I understand that yes, this I'm about to post is a bit of a stretch, but the efficiency of trains in WW2 Europe comes to mind - especially with AI denied claims leading to patient deaths.

    Now here's the 64K question - anyone against this cold blooded murder (which IS indeed what it was) - what's your game plan when you yourself are sick and AI denies your claim? The reason you believe you are immune from such again was??? Rob

  2. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by gimmethesimplelife View Post
    Now here's the 64K question - anyone against this cold blooded murder (which IS indeed what it was) - what's your game plan when you yourself are sick and AI denies your claim? The reason you believe you are immune from such again was??? Rob
    I like to believe that screaming for blood would not be among the options I would consider.

    We can’t always control the situations we find ourselves in, but how we respond to them defines who we are as moral beings.

  3. #33
    Senior Member bae's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gimmethesimplelife View Post
    Now here's the 64K question - anyone against this cold blooded murder (which IS indeed what it was)
    How do you even know it was “cold blooded murder”, at this time? Have you some special knowledge into the mindset and circumstances of the alleged assassin? “Cold blooded murder” is at odds with your “angry with the use of AI for claims denial” narrative, btw. You can’t have both.

    - what's your game plan when you yourself are sick and AI denies your claim?
    Depends on the circumstances, but gunning down employees of the healthcare system is probably not on my list.

    What’s *your* plan when you relocate to a kinder, gentler nation with national healthcare for all, and are denied services? Will you be killing people in response to that rationing?

  4. #34
    Senior Member iris lilies's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gimmethesimplelife View Post
    For me the use of AI in this particular context makes the United States irrevocably inhumane and non-viable. This is why the focus on AI here. I grant that were these claims denied by humans all the same would apply - it's just that the use of tech here strikes me as Hitlerian in it's efficiency....I understand that yes, this I'm about to post is a bit of a stretch, but the efficiency of trains in WW2 Europe comes to mind - especially with AI denied claims leading to patient deaths.

    Now here's the 64K question - anyone against this cold blooded murder (which IS indeed what it was) - what's your game plan when you yourself are sick and AI denies your claim? The reason you believe you are immune from such again was??? Rob
    Ah, Ok, I now sorta understand your obsession with AI in processing healthcare claims. You see it as terrifyingly efficient. As usual your illogic is staggering, but at least I can see your feelings. Feelings are not facts but OK, you do you.

    As for your “64k question,” when Nanny Government denies any Medicare coverage, I suppose I might challenge that, who knows? I don’t know enough about the challenge process to speak about that.

    All kinds of government programs are put into place with standards and strictures, same for insurance claims of any kind. I can think of Social Security disability income applications that are denied at what, nearly 100% of the time out of the gate? The gatekeepers be they privately funded or publicly funded are gonna gatekeep. That is their job and their methodologies may involve machine aids like AI.

  5. #35
    Senior Member rosarugosa's Avatar
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    Wow, of all the countries in the world, I wouldn't even want to visit India, let alone contemplate a move there.

  6. #36
    Senior Member gimmethesimplelife's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rosarugosa View Post
    Wow, of all the countries in the world, I wouldn't even want to visit India, let alone contemplate a move there.
    Your post reminds me of a recent article I read. A young man who owed over 100K in student loans - his father gave him money to flee the US. He went to India, claims to have found love (?), married an Indian woman and I don't know Indian immigration laws, here - but India allowed him to stay. He said that there was A LOT of adjustment but he loves India and his new life and has no intention of returning to the US ever. Now some background - he's in Chennai and not overwhelming Delhi or Mumbai. He also had some medical issues and quickly found hIgh quality affordable health care with him being in control as it's out of pocket. The lower cost of living overall works for him, too. I will say that I'm sure there's culture shock - lots of it - involved, similar to when I was in Morocco.

    But I can understand where this young man is coming from and I consider him a role model for young men in extreme debt and no real options - though having his father pay his way to India and some extra sure helped. Not everyone has that, you know?

    So here is an act of activism also quite powerful in it's timely and realistic message - and no murder involved. Rob

  7. #37
    Senior Member gimmethesimplelife's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rosarugosa View Post
    Wow, of all the countries in the world, I wouldn't even want to visit India, let alone contemplate a move there.
    Extreme culture shock, some level of ick, a steep adjustment curve/the good India has to offer vs. tech denying claims, resulting in murders of innocent policyholders in the name of corporate profit? Too bad Alex Trebek has passed. India the better choice of the two for $500, Alex - very appropriate here. Though to be fair, were it not for the Hitlerian AI, I would be hesitant regarding India.

    This society irrevocably lost me given AI being used to deny claims in a country where human life us held so cheaply it's not worth socialized medicine. Done deal. Rob

  8. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by gimmethesimplelife View Post
    Your post reminds me of a recent article I read. A young man who owed over 100K in student loans - his father gave him money to flee the US. He went to India, claims to have found love (?), married an Indian woman and I don't know Indian immigration laws, here - but India allowed him to stay. He said that there was A LOT of adjustment but he loves India and his new life and has no intention of returning to the US ever. Now some background - he's in Chennai and not overwhelming Delhi or Mumbai. He also had some medical issues and quickly found hIgh quality affordable health care with him being in control as it's out of pocket. The lower cost of living overall works for him, too. I will say that I'm sure there's culture shock - lots of it - involved, similar to when I was in Morocco.

    But I can understand where this young man is coming from and I consider him a role model for young men in extreme debt and no real options - though having his father pay his way to India and some extra sure helped. Not everyone has that, you know?

    So here is an act of activism also quite powerful in it's timely and realistic message - and no murder involved. Rob
    You need to go to India. You are fantasizing and making it much better than it is. Look around and see how many Indian people are in the US. That is because it is SO MUCH better here. Dream on.
    ETA.. I have been to India. It is a place to visit once. It changed my life. It made me realize how lucky we are to live here!

  9. #39
    Senior Member Tradd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by frugal-one View Post
    You need to go to India. You are fantasizing and making it much better than it is. Look around and see how many Indian people are in the US. That is because it is SO MUCH better here. Dream on.
    ETA.. I have been to India. It is a place to visit once. It changed my life. It made me realize how lucky we are to live here!
    I work with Indians daily, who came to the US as adults. Some go back often to visit family, but they won’t live there again.

  10. #40
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    Is fleeing abroad a reasonable or practical (if unethical) method to stiff your creditors? Apart from not being able to return to the US without being pursued, wouldn’t that be something other countries would look at before granting or extending visas? Why would other countries have an interest in harboring American deadbeats?

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