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Thread: December Purge

  1. #1
    Senior Member rosarugosa's Avatar
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    December Purge

    As mentioned previously, sister and I are proactively decluttering at Mom's house. This week I took an unopened 1.75 ltr bottle of tequila from her house and offered it up on our local Facebook free page. I had a huge response, and I used the random name selector to give it away. Afterwards, I got a message from FB that my post was removed for "violating community standards." Apparently there is a rule against selling or exchanging alcohol on FB (which I have done several times in the past), so I won't be doing that again!

  2. #2
    Junior Member
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    I feel ya, I’ve been decluttering for the past couple weeks because I was tired of seeing unused junk just taking up space. I believe I’ve made 3 trips to the local dump just to throw them away. I actually feel much better having more space and less junk. I could have sold some items but I’m more of a get it out of my sight type of person. I still have more purging to do but I feel like I’ve accomplished so much already. On top of the purging I have repainted our entire house. Fixed some drywall oopsies and have everything organized. I guess I should mention I live in a tiny house 12 x 32 with 2 lofts, in which one collects everything, hence the decluttering. Feels amazing to let go, doesn’t it?

  3. #3
    Senior Member rosarugosa's Avatar
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    Welcome, SimplyTracy! Yes, it does feel good. I do have a few things that I need to list on eBay, but that's a whole process in itself, so I've procrastinated. I mostly give things away or donate, but occasionally there is something that I know I can get a good price for and/or will be easy to sell and ship.

  4. #4
    Senior Member Klunick's Avatar
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    Only one Christmas gift will be donated this year. Two stone bath mats. Mom thought I would like them and I do not. Even my 23 year old said that they don't feel as nice as having a fuzzy bath mat to step onto out of the shower. To me, it feels like stepping on sandpaper.

    Oldest randomly gave me a few shirts and pants he wanted to donate as well . Not Christmas gift but just items in his drawers/closet he never wore.

  5. #5
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    Cleaned out my femme side's wardrobe, found some clothes that do not fit me anymore and do not wear anymore. Gave them to a friend's step son whom is also a part time crossdresser as a Christmas present. Found out his bio mom stolen his femme wardrobe and only got some back. Told this friend and she is glad I made his day

  6. #6
    Senior Member iris lilies's Avatar
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    I got rid of the big glass chandelier that has been following me around for decades now. It does not fit with my current decor. It was a much loved thing of my mom‘s, but it doesn’t fit in this cottage style house. I pulled all of the dangles off of it and will use them in Christmas decorations in the future. I tossed the sfructure of it. These chandeliers aren’t worth all that much but my mother is turning over in her grave, no doubt. Suck it, mom!

    I was temporarily stymied when I found that DH had removed it from the garbage bin and set it on a table in the garage. Uhhhh, what is that about? I figured he was going to try to do something with it, but he explained no he’s just waiting for the next garbage pick up because he wanted to fill the garbage bin with his own stuff.

  7. #7
    Senior Member Klunick's Avatar
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    Bag of fairy lights that didn't have long battery life. Surprisingly one of my gnomes I got from Etsy. I love this women's gnomes but as soon as I bought it, I realized I didn't really need another Christmas gnome nor had a good spot to put it. An impulse buy that should have never been bought.

  8. #8
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    Had a donation pickup right before Christmas - two xerox boxes of misc. stuff. Probably need to go through Christmas stuff again before I start putting it away. (won't be for a bit - I like to leave the tree up for a while) lol
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  9. #9
    Senior Member Tradd's Avatar
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    Got rid of some Christmas cards I was given and didn't use. Didn't like them. A couple of blankets, misc papers. The big boxes from getting a new printer and rolling desk chair. Felt really good.

  10. #10
    Senior Member Klunick's Avatar
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    Last declutter of 2024...
    Bag of silver Christmas ball ornaments
    Four shepherd hooks

    Haven't done it yet but pretty sure the two inflatables will be going as well.

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