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Thread: India.....

  1. #11
    Senior Member
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    Rob, I have never been to India but my sister-in-law's brother moved his family there in the 1990's. They came back after 9-11 but moved back there permanently about five years ago. But they are in a religious community, so their experience is probably very different than expatriating alone.

  2. #12
    Senior Member littlebittybobby's Avatar
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    okay---I guess I'd say that India might be a good place ta visit by a consumeristic American, as long as they get ta see how the rest o' the world lives, steada just the Taj Mahal. Rednecks who complain about OSHA can see how industrial workers in India don't even wear shoes, much less steel-toed ones. Yup. And don't forget your safety glasses & hard hats. Very good sir. Thank you veddy much.

  3. #13
    Senior Member iris lilies's Avatar
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    this is a thread on Mr. money mustache discussing moving to India from the United States. it gives a variety of opinions. Most of those who are posting have Indian heritage, or were born in India.

  4. #14
    Senior Member littlebittybobby's Avatar
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    okay----i liketa sit-n-watch u-toob videos of low-overhead manufacturing operations and small repair shops in India. I'd liketa see the India business models applied to America; but guess what? The powers-that-be would not allow it. Mainly because it would keep too many fingers outta the money pie! See? More on this theory, later. to be continued.......

  5. #15
    Senior Member Tradd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by iris lilies View Post

    this is a thread on Mr. money mustache discussing moving to India from the United States. it gives a variety of opinions. Most of those who are posting have Indian heritage, or were born in India.
    If native born Indians don't want to go back after living in the US for years, that should tell you something!

  6. #16
    Senior Member iris lilies's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by littlebittybobby View Post
    okay----i liketa sit-n-watch u-toob videos of low-overhead manufacturing operations and small repair shops in India. I'd liketa see the India business models applied to America; but guess what? The powers-that-be would not allow it. Mainly because it would keep too many fingers outta the money pie! See? More on this theory, later. to be continued.......
    Bobby, in India the grift is not from the government, it’s greasing the palms of everyone who comes into contact with a goods or a service. Negotiating that is exhausting. Part of the irritation with that system is there’s not one expected fee, each transaction is negotiated.
    Last edited by iris lilies; 1-4-25 at 3:25pm.

  7. #17
    Senior Member littlebittybobby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by iris lilies View Post
    Bobby, in India the graft is not from the government, it’s greasing the palms of everyone who comes into contact with a goods or a service. Negotiating that is exhausting. Part of the irritation with that system is there’s not one expected fee, each transaction is negotiated.
    Faux I/L--I'm aware of that. Plus, I wasn't talking about government graft in India or anywhere. I'm talking about "compliance"(see photo) Also,to save time---I said: "powers that be" meaning not only gummmint rules but economic powers-that-be. They all hafta have their unfair share of the fruits of your labor. One possible reason that good ol' building down the hill from you is not put to good use is that it isn't feasible for anyone to set up shop, there, due to that syndrome. Just betcha. In springpatch, the powers-that-be have a nasty habit of puttting the screws to areas the Drs Wives & Nerds on City Boards deem to be blighted, urban renewal needed. So yeah---all the small old industrial building are down-zoned or razed, to build more arenas and stuff they want but don't need. The old storefronts that were low overhead shops become the locations of bistros that charge big bucks for snooty & pretentious "oven-fired flatbread" FKA pizza. I offer up Commercial Street here, as an example. Yup.
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  8. #18
    Senior Member gimmethesimplelife's Avatar
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    Thank You, everyone, for your posts regarding India. I find it utterly amazing that India of all places is moving forward on gay/lesbian rights and out of nowhere I and SO will need to leave the US should we wish to remain legally married and have our marriages federally recognized elsewhere. I do understand that Biden signed something to the effect that marriages in states that continue to allow it need to be recognized in states that don't allow it but SO and I and all the other same sex couples I know deserve so much better. Once again, in yet another area, the United States simply isn't good enough nor competitive enough with the level of human rights for same sex couples in many other countries (now you can even add Thailand to the list with same sex marriage now legal and to die for socialized medicine for all citizens and no shame whatsoever in using it).

    I'd like to just visit India for tourism but now that the United States is out to strip those like me of basic rights, travel is now survival/human rights based. Thank You, Donald Trump and all who voted for him. I didn't really want to grow old in this country anyway. Rob

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