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Thread: Celsius the Drink

  1. #1
    Senior Member catherine's Avatar
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    Celsius the Drink

    I have cut my alcohol consumption down to 0. But I find it's really helpful, during the times that I would normally have a glass of wine, to have a faux-drink. I like the Athletic Brewing Company beers, but sometimes I feel like something lighter. For instance, sometimes I make a gin and tonic and hold the gin.

    I've been experimenting with some flavored waters and sparkling waters, and those are pretty satisfying, but not decadent enough for a party atmospheres. So Celsius was on sale at the supermarket and I thought I'd try one--I chose a sparkling guava+something-else. It was delicious! So I bought a few last week and have been drinking them somewhat regularly.

    But at our family Christmas party, one of my family members mentioned something about the caffeine in it. I didn't realize there is caffeine in Celsius! Not only is there caffeine--there is 200mg per can!! A normal cup of coffee is about 45mg! And I have always refused to drink Red Bull, which is "only" 80mg of caffeine.

    Then I saw that one of its claims is that it metabolizes fat faster. Strange. If it were truly a "normal" beverage, how would that work? I looked Celsius up on reddit and one writer called it "cocaine in a can." Shoot! I have a dozen in my mudroom now, but I refuse to drink them. At my age, I want my heart to beat slower, not like a NASCAR speed racer!

    Has anyone else tried energy drinks? And, anyone have a good recommendation for a "special" alcohol-free drink?
    "Do any human beings ever realize life while they live it--every, every minute?" Emily Webb, Our Town

  2. #2
    Senior Member iris lilies's Avatar
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    I’m sorry, but there’s nothing like a good glass of red wine at the right time. Do not ask me to contemplate anything else.

    and 200 MG of caffeine… Good God.

  3. #3
    Senior Member rosarugosa's Avatar
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    Catherine: I have cut my consumption to a single glass of wine when at a restaurant or special occasion, so I too have pursued faux cocktail alternatives.

    I was really enjoying Red Clay by Proxies as a wine alternative, and I even had a subscription, but they have discontinued that flavor and I don't like their others, so I recently cancelled. You might like them though.

    I like Brooklyn Brewed Sorel, but it does have a really high sugar content, so I don't drink it regularly.

    I'm considering a subscription to a local small business' monthly faux cocktail kits, but I haven't actually tried them yet. I've followed them for awhile on social media.

    I really like Fever Tree's grapefruit soda.

    I had an amazing mocktail at a restaurant in the Berkshires a few years ago. I'll look for the recipe.

  4. #4
    Senior Member Rogar's Avatar
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    I buy Celsius as a powdered mix from Amazon, which tastes the same as the canned version and probably about the same ingredients. I mix up some in my water bottle when hiking or biking for a little extra energy. When I have it at home I honestly really can't tell that it has so much caffeine, but would probably avoid it in the late afternoon or evening. It's pretty refreshing regardless. Sometimes I mix it at half strength. I've not had a mixed drink in decades and can drink a little wine to be polite, but mostly just have a few beers a week.
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  5. #5
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    I did a no-alcohol about a year back and was trying the different non-alcoholic wines at my local liquor store. They weren't bad, but just not the same as a real glass of wine. Am contemplating doing dry January, but don't think I'll bother looking for a substitute. Again, one or two of the non-alcoholic wines weren't too bad, just a bit pricey for no alcohol. LOL
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  6. #6
    Senior Member iris lilies's Avatar
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    The nonalcoholic wine I tried was absolutely horrible. it was not cheap either.

    you all will be happy to know that this thread inspired me to have a glass of wine last night. before last night I had a glass of wine two weeks ago. I’m trying to limit it to one time a week because I get gout now and then.

  7. #7
    Senior Member catherine's Avatar
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    Haha, IL, enjoy your red wine! I decided to stop for a while for a variety of reasons, mainly due to health reasons. I want to preserve whatever brain cells and heart muscle I can. I also found that while I never overimbibed--never chased more than a buzz, never had a hangover-- I still found it too difficult to have "just one"--If I have one drink, I tend to follow it up with one or two more. Plus, when I look back on my life, the best times were when alcohol wasn't even on the radar. And so now with DH sober, there doesn't seem to be any reason for me to continue to drink it, even though I do like wine.

    Thanks for the suggestion to get Celsius in powder form, Rogar! That seems like a better way to control the caffeine and also it must be cheaper that way.

    Also, rosa, thanks for the recommendations. I do love Fever Tree--especially their ginger beer.
    "Do any human beings ever realize life while they live it--every, every minute?" Emily Webb, Our Town

  8. #8
    Senior Member Tradd's Avatar
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    I just don’t drink except maybe a glass of champagne at Thanksgiving. Frankly, I prefer my poison of choice regular Coke. It’s cheap and I keep my wits about me.

  9. #9
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    In an effort to cut back, I tried several of the various non or low options out there and didn't care for the taste. I enjoy the buzz of alcohol too much to totally give it up so have moved to lower alcohol Italian sparkling rose now and then. On those occasions when I abstained for extended periods, I noticed a definite improvement in mental clarity.

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