So, as you may know, I'm working on a book with a roadmap for making a move away from the current culture and toward a better, saner life.
I'm on the 5th of 9 steps now... and it has to do with finding where you belong, geographically.
I know that many of you have moved over the last decade: I'm thinking specifically of pinkytoe, frugal-one, iris lilies, Tybee but everyone has at one point in teir lives made a move and either felt like they belonged, or felt like a fish out of water.
Can you please share your experiences using the following prompts:
1) Describe a time when you said to yourself, "This is where I belong." What did that feel like? What emotion was it stirring up for you? What was it based on? History? Values? Sense memory? Aesthetics? Energy?
2) The opposite: What has made you feel that you didn't belong in a particular place? Describe the place and why you felt that way.
3) How did you resolve that feeling? Or, how did you at least adapt to it? Do you feel that adaptation is sustainable?
4) If you have moved from a place you didn't feel you belonged in, what were you looking for? What is your "Kansas" (vs. Oz)?
5) In the scheme of things, how important is it to you to "get back to where you once belonged"? Why? If you haven't done it yet, what are your plans for that? If you have returned to a place you feel you belong in, what has been the benefit of that? How is your life different? Please describe the feelings.
Please feel free to comment here, or DM me.