I save all our household receipts and go through them at the end of the month out of sheer curiosity - it looks like we spent approximately $626 to feed the two of us in the month of December. That doesn't count what K. spends at our local little stores so its probably more like $675.
I track my own spending by using Quicken but K. doesn't do anything like that. We keep separate accounts because I still like to know what goes out, especially with grocery prices seemingly getting higher by the week. If it was just me on my own I know I would spend much less but it comes out to around $315 each. We are coming from a bizzarre partnership - frugal me and spendthrift him. I spend money a little easier now and he thinks about his spending more than he used to so I guess we are a good match.
Since I have more time than money right now and I do the main weekly shopping, I do the planning and list-making, use my coupons and keep a mental price list in my head for different items. Walmart has much better prices on many things than Smith's (Krogers) but the produce at Walmart sucks and the produce at the Smith's I go to has excellent produce so it just depends on if I need to pick up prescriptions at Walmart I'll get the items that I know are cheaper there. Then some weeks it is a Smith's trip (like today) and I decided to just buckle in and restock a bunch of stuff before the prices go up even further. I spent $88 but got many things that are backstock in the pantry that we will need in a few weeks anyway.
What are you spending on feeding yourselves these days?