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Thread: January purge

  1. #41
    Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by iris lilies View Post
    Wait for mom and dad to die to avoid their pleas of “oh, don’t YOU want that? Save for our grandhildren! These things are VALUABLE!”

    when they are gone, get an auctioneer in to take the stuff he will sell, donate the rest. You really do not have to touch and decide on each piece. Really. Unless they have world class onjects which I doubt, the stuff is worth what you can bet at auction and that is not much.

    edited to add: I see
    roger suggested the same. Do not let it stress you.
    If you have sisters or brothers, please check with them before doing this. My brother did this and I don't think I will be ever able to forgive him.

    Not everyone feels this way. In my case, approximately 20000 of tools were sold for pennies to a junker--and that was just the outside buildings- and family photos and papers were destroyed.

    Not everyone will find the "throw it all out, get a junker to take it away" an acceptable solution. But maybe you don't care. My brother did not care what hurt he caused me.

  2. #42
    Senior Member iris lilies's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tybee View Post
    If you have sisters or brothers, please check with them before doing this. My brother did this and I don't think I will be ever able to forgive him.

    Not everyone feels this way. In my case, approximately 20000 of tools were sold for pennies to a junker--and that was just the outside buildings- and family photos and papers were destroyed.

    Not everyone will find the "throw it all out, get a junker to take it away" an acceptable solution. But maybe you don't care. My brother did not care what hurt he caused me.
    That is all fine if family members come to haul it all away by a deadline. With my brother, I gave him the ok to do whatever he wished to do with our mom’s stuff after I picked it over. He set out to sell some of it on ebay and I told him that was fine with me, keep all the money. My time on earth is not worth fussing with all of that stuff.

    Gregg seems to think he will be the one to have to deal with the stuff and if that’s the case, if he is responsible, then he gets to decide where it goes. But sure, check with family first, but all too, often people express interest but don’t actually come to take stuff. That happens all too often with me and Buy Nothing on Facebook which is why I no longer participate.

    I actually have a cool sorry about coincidence and Buy Nothing Facebook. DH found a deer skull in the woods. I thought some weirdo might want the skull so I put it out on FB. Two people responded immediately. First one never came to get it. I contacted the second one…same thing, never came. 8 months later one of them contacted me to see if I still had it and I did, but I told her No because I didn’t want to go thru the rigamarole of setting it out yet again for her to maybe not show up. But here’s the crazy thing: her message reminded me to think about the skull I had set aside and forgotten. It had teeth. One of my friends makes jewelry and had recently told me to send any teeth her way! I don’t know what she does with the teeth but it was great to fulfill her ask.

  3. #43
    Senior Member Tradd's Avatar
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    The making sure things get donated and into the “right” hands goes out the window when you’re short on time. A friend in the Chicago area recently lost her mom who lived on the east coast. Friend has her own family and full time job. She had a week after the funeral to get important stuff out of the house. She ended up selling it to one of the flipping companies that will take a house as is. Friend is an only child and hadn’t lived near her family for 30+ years. House had been long paid off but needed a lot of repairs and updating as often happens when seniors have been in their house for a long time, 40+ years in this case.

  4. #44
    Senior Member Greg44's Avatar
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    My guess that after one passes, we can have an estate sale, sell the home to help pay for their care. Both are not in good health. Mom has dementia and my father's memory seems
    to be slipping as well. Simple tasks are becoming confusing to him - like password on his phone, handing me the remote to answer the land line, etc.

  5. #45
    Senior Member rosarugosa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tradd View Post
    The making sure things get donated and into the “right” hands goes out the window when you’re short on time. A friend in the Chicago area recently lost her mom who lived on the east coast. Friend has her own family and full time job. She had a week after the funeral to get important stuff out of the house. She ended up selling it to one of the flipping companies that will take a house as is. Friend is an only child and hadn’t lived near her family for 30+ years. House had been long paid off but needed a lot of repairs and updating as often happens when seniors have been in their house for a long time, 40+ years in this case.
    That's true, and that's why we are getting rid of some stuff now when we aren't in a hurry. Mom can barely make it to the bathroom from her bedroom many days, so she certainly isn't going to be going out to the garage or working on projects in the cellar. We are being careful to keep things that give her pleasure or have meaning to her.

  6. #46
    Senior Member rosarugosa's Avatar
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    I went through our boxes of pottery last night, and I have pulled out quite a bit for the donation box at Clay School.

  7. #47
    Senior Member Klunick's Avatar
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    Did some more consolidation of my files. Pretty much macro-organized everything instead of micro-organized. Everyone's medical stuff in one file, all the car stuff in one file, all the tax stuff in one file, etc. Made more room in the file organizer and have a small stack of unused file folders off to the side for replacements as needed.

  8. #48
    Senior Member Tradd's Avatar
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    I don’t write long letters anymore as it hurts my hand. I offered up my very nice letter paper to a group I’m part of (not But Nothibg) and someone who writes many letters is taking it. It will have to be mailed to her, but she’s splitting postage with me. I don’t usually care where stuff goes, but this is 100% cotton Crane paper, which is very nice.

  9. #49
    Senior Member iris lilies's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tradd View Post
    I don’t write long letters anymore as it hurts my hand. I offered up my very nice letter paper to a group I’m part of (not But Nothibg) and someone who writes many letters is taking it. It will have to be mailed to her, but she’s splitting postage with me. I don’t usually care where stuff goes, but this is 100% cotton Crane paper, which is very nice.

    I like stationary and note cards a lot, and I’ve gotten some nice boxes of heavy writing paper from Goodwill (not Crane, tho.) And then I buy note cards from organizations to support their sales because the other stuff they sell —T-shirts and baseball caps and koozies—I will not use.

    but one thing I’m becoming leery of is sending smaller note cards through the mail because the mail service is so bad. Unreliable. Just awful. I had someone the other day tell me she was hesitant to send a check in the mail. I do know of one check that was sent to me. It was lost for weeks.

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