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Thread: 2024 Lie of the Year

  1. #1
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    2024 Lie of the Year

    Apparently, Politifact users select a lie of the year. The 2024 vote selected the Haitian Pet Cuisine story. That seemed pretty odd to me, considering the list of possible candidates. How about “only God Almighty can make me step down”, or “I respect the rule of law too much to pardon my son”? Or the myriad conspiracy theories covering everything from the Trump assassination attempts to the New Jersey Mystery Drones?

    Has fact checking degenerated to the point of mere bias confirmation?

  2. #2
    Senior Member iris lilies's Avatar
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    The lie about eating pets in Ohio was ridiculous but a flash in the pan. It was a news story for what, 5 days?

    Fir me, and the one i will never forget, is the conspiracy to cover up the competency of Joe Biden as President of the United States. It was huge, as measured by impact on the world and by the number of supporters, White
    house personnel, and news media who participated.It was lengthy, going back before 2024. It is unforgivable. It is The Big Lie.

    All of the times the Hunter pardon lie was told by Joe Biden and his sycophants just irritate me but they don’t have serious impact.
    Last edited by iris lilies; 1-9-25 at 2:09pm.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by iris lilies View Post
    The lie about eating pets in Ohio was ridiculous but a flash in the pan. It was a news story for what, 5 days?

    Fir me, and the one i will never forget, is the conspiracy to cover up the competency of Joe Biden as President of the United States. It was huge, as measured by impact on the world and by the number of supporters, White
    house personnel, and news media who participated.It was lengthy, going back before 2024. It is unforgivable. It is The Big Lie.

    All of the times the Hunter pardon lie was told by Joe Biden and his sycophants just irritates me but doesn't have serious impact.
    I liked that interview Chuck Schumer did the other day where he glared over the top of his glasses like an angry vice principal and denied everything.

  4. #4
    Senior Member rosarugosa's Avatar
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    I would vote for the Haitian pet story every time.

  5. #5
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    That everyone is treated equally under the law. Felon trump will not get jail time for any of his transgressions. Anyone else would be put away.

  6. #6
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    Declining physical and mental health coverups are not anything new at the presidential level, so to me, that's a big yawn. Presidents have plenty of advisors and people to keep things humming along. ELECTING someone of diminished mental and/or moral capacity is much more of an issue, but we just did that, so hey, another precedent. I'm voting for the Haitian pet story. Nationally it may have been more of a flash-in-the-pan, but more locally, it's still causing problems.

    And I agree with frugal-one, but that's not just a lie for this year, it's a lie for all time...

  7. #7
    Senior Member Rogar's Avatar
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    Hard to pick, there are so many. The big lie about election results tops my list and the routine gop lies about climate change is a close runner up. The. Haitian pet story is the most entertaining.

    i think we were deceived about the mental fitness to hold office and it was about the same for both candidates.
    "what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?" Mary Oliver

  8. #8
    Simpleton Alan's Avatar
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    I'd have to agree with Iris Lilies that the Biden competency campaign was by far the biggest lie of the year. Not just in the brazenness of the lies coming out of every Democratic politicians mouth, but also the sheer scope of the campaign to convince us that our lying eyes didn't actually see what we all certainly did see over the past several years. The administration, the Democratic Party and the vast majority of media all colluded to advance the lie right up till the moment it all fell apart during Biden's only debate appearance.

    Shoot, I'd actually declare it the lie of the decade!
    "Things should be made as simple as possible, but not one bit simpler." ~ Albert Einstein

  9. #9
    Senior Member Rogar's Avatar
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    Speaking of cover ups of the decade.

    ‘Trump is now the most powerful head of state in the world, and one of the most impulsive, arrogant, ignorant, disorganised, chaotic, nihilistic, self-contradictory, self-important, and self-serving. He has his finger on the triggers of a thousand or more of the most powerful thermonuclear weapons in the world. That means he could kill more people in a few seconds than any dictator in past history has been able to kill during his entire years in power.’

    Last edited by Rogar; 1-11-25 at 11:03am.
    "what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?" Mary Oliver

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rogar View Post
    ‘Trump is now the most powerful head of state in the world, and one of the most impulsive, arrogant, ignorant, disorganised, chaotic, nihilistic, self-contradictory, self-important, and self-serving. He has his finger on the triggers of a thousand or more of the most powerful thermonuclear weapons in the world. That means he could kill more people in a few seconds than any dictator in past history has been able to kill during his entire years in power.’

    Totally frightening!

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