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Thread: 2024 Lie of the Year

  1. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by early morning View Post
    luxury beliefs? boutique policies? That's some funny stuff, lol.
    A plurality of the voters didn’t seem to think so. I think that was Maher’s and Carville’s point.

  2. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by LDAHL View Post
    James Carville has talked about the need to “rub off the stench” of “NPR language”, and I think he has a point. I heard a joke that every time someone says “Latinx” or “Community of Color” a new Republican is born.

    It also seems to me that the people who gave us the Russia hoax and the Biden coverup lack a certain minimal level of credibility in lecturing the country on ethical compromise. And all the hysterical “end of democracy” stuff will not serve them well if the promised detention camps don’t appear.

    In practice, I’ve no doubt at all Trump will be vulnerable on any number of governance issues. That will hurt his cause with the electorate much more than indulging in absurd morality plays.
    Sounds like the epitome of a white supremist IMO. Upsets their sensibilities?

  3. #33
    Senior Member iris lilies's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by frugal-one View Post
    Sounds like the epitome of a white supremist IMO. Upsets their sensibilities?
    Are you familiar with the surveys that show people of actual Latin descent dislike the term “Latinx?” Are you calling them white supremacists?

  4. #34
    Simpleton Alan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LDAHL View Post
    James Carville has talked about the need to “rub off the stench” of “NPR language”, and I think he has a point. I heard a joke that every time someone says “Latinx” or “Community of Color” a new Republican is born.
    Quote Originally Posted by frugal-one View Post
    Sounds like the epitome of a white supremist IMO. Upsets their sensibilities?
    I think it's interesting that the term "Latinx" was coined by mostly white liberals in order to show other white liberals that it was more important to not differentiate between genders than to respect hundreds of years of cultural norms.

    It's been a while but I remember reading somewhere a year or two ago that while the term was very popular among white liberals, only about 3% of Latinos and Latinas approved of the term while the remainder found it offensive to their culture.

    So, I guess you're right, it does seem to be the epitome of white supremacism.
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  5. #35
    Senior Member bae's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alan View Post
    I think it's interesting that the term "Latinx" was coined by mostly white liberals ...
    I believe the specific etymological history of the word is a bit unclear and disputed.

    That said:

    - I think prescriptivism in language is a bit silly to get hung up on, especially if you have any familiarity with diachronic linguistics.

    - In my personal experience, most people who use "latinx" have little familiarity with the Spanish language.

    - I have more than passing familiarity with Spanish and several other Romance languages. Latinx does not "feel" right, it does not conform to the language's historical or current structure.

    - "Real"(*) Spanish is a prescriptive language. It has a formal gatekeeping organization, much like French does. The Real Academia Española. The academy in its style manual rejects the use of "x" as a gender-neutral marker. With some vehemence. (**)

    - Languages do change over time, don't get wrapped around the axle about it. Fæder ure, þu þe eart on heofonum, and so on.

    (*) There are a *lot of Spanish dialects out there, many do not follow the "real" Spanish as dictated by the Real Academia Española.

    (**) Bunnytrail - the selection of "x" for these grammatical changes (see also "Xicano" compared to "Chicano" may have something to do with the Nahuatl language, and its region of use. I have some modest knowledge of Nahuatl myself, but my daughter is rather fluent in it from her "Lara Croft, Tomb Raider" period.

  6. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by iris lilies View Post
    Are you familiar with the surveys that show people of actual Latin descent dislike the term “Latinx?” Are you calling them white supremacists?
    Reference to the person making the joke … republican … too big a deal out of “labels”.

  7. #37
    Senior Member catherine's Avatar
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    I have done a lot of multicultural market research and I've learned that the Latin community does not prefer Latinx, but when we were creating the test materials, there was no definitive agreement on that so we just went with what our community leaders were telling us.
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  8. #38
    Senior Member bae's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by catherine View Post
    I have done a lot of multicultural market research and I've learned that the Latin community does not prefer Latinx, but when we were creating the test materials, there was no definitive agreement on that so we just went with what our community leaders were telling us.
    If you think about it, even the "Latin" bit is problematic.

  9. #39
    Senior Member iris lilies's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by early morning View Post
    Declining physical and mental health coverups are not anything new at the presidential level, so to me, that's a big yawn. Presidents have plenty of advisors and people to keep things humming along. ELECTING someone of diminished mental and/or moral capacity is much more of an issue, but we just did that, so hey, another precedent. I'm voting for the Haitian pet story. Nationally it may have been more of a flash-in-the-pan, but more locally, it's still causing problems.

    And I agree with frugal-one, but that's not just a lie for this year, it's a lie for all time...
    to the bold:

    Yes, exactly. Electing old feeble Joe, pretending he was up to it for 4 more years, would be delusional.

    People (well, me anyway) would be far more accepting of a plan that had him going softly into that good night after 4 years, anointing the youngster who would take over.

    But the Dems had to get down and dirty to boot him out, and those stories are now coming out about the enormous pressures exerted upon the power hungry ancient pol who wouldn’t let go. He is an embarrassment. How many more days do we have again, 2?

  10. #40
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    Electing old feeble Joe, pretending he was up to it for 4 more years, would be delusional
    Ah, but when he was elected, he was NOT of diminished capacity, or at minimum, LESS SO than his opponent. In 2024, we (well, not ME!) elected someone of reprehensible moral character who rants like a mad-man and is proud to be a misogynist and bigot. And you think Biden is an embarrassment? You cast Biden as power-hungry, as opposed to the man who refused to acknowledge his own defeat, who believes that if he says it's so, it really is? A person who has be the center of all attention at all times, or throwing a pathetic toddler tantrum if not? Really?

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