Quote Originally Posted by early morning View Post
Ah, but when he was elected, he was NOT of diminished capacity, or at minimum, LESS SO than his opponent. In 2024, we (well, not ME!) elected someone of reprehensible moral character who rants like a mad-man and is proud to be a misogynist and bigot. And you think Biden is an embarrassment? You cast Biden as power-hungry, as opposed to the man who refused to acknowledge his own defeat, who believes that if he says it's so, it really is? A person who has be the center of all attention at all times, or throwing a pathetic toddler tantrum if not? Really?
I agree that Trump is more “power hungry” (this really is not a good term and I am sorry I used it) than Joe
Biden but I can’t think of any term better at the moment.Both are embarrassments, Trump continually and constitutionally, and Biden in this last year. Well, we only know about the Biden last year. As the books come out from White House staffers we will learn moreabout how long his dementia went on.

I wonder which staffers are rushing to their publishers to be first about detailing the chaos of working with an impaired President.

They don’t sign Non disclosure statements, right? Not like working in the British Royal family where NDA’s are required.