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okay----welll! It sounds like I am wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, again! I am a minority of ONE here, because alla you kids just know EBikes are THE perfect solution for everything and everyone! So much so, that I would suggest changing the name of the forum to: "The EBike Lovers Forum". The only requirement for membership would be a deep love of EBikes and other electric gadgets, since they are the ideal solution for everyone and everything. But yeah--Mr Bae has yet to "weigh in" on the advantages of EBikes, when traveling up and down steep hills, and how EBikes are All Gain, No Pain. Yup. Well, tomorrow I will be putting some serious miles on my littlebitty car, driving to EBike dealers everywhere---in-state, out-of-state, maybe even Canada, to comparison shop and test-ride nice, safe, new, no-pain, all-gain EBikes! I always like to look as though I am "in shape", but I thoroughly DETEST getting out-of-breath and sweaty and smelly in the process. Now that there's the perfect solution with absolutely, positively no disadvantages, pitfalls, downside and so on, I can just do it! I will keep adding entries to this thread, as I shop for EBikes. Yeahhhh! Thankk Mee, and thankk you for showing me how wrong, wrong, wrong I am with your testimonials! Yup.