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Thread: electric bike

  1. #21
    Senior Member jp1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tradd View Post
    jp, please pay careful attention to reviews about charging issues about whatever you buy. It's probably an issue with cheap Chinese ebikes, but there have been a lot of fires caused by ebike batteries being charged inside. The condo complex where I live has actually banned ebike battery charging (a charger was caught smoking in another building).
    Yes, that is definitely a thing but from the various podcasters/forums I follow it seems to mainly be a cheap Chinese bike thing. Also a lot of the problem bikes have been (again) the cheap Chinese ones being used as delivery bikes in places like NYC. Using them in the harsh winter with salted roads, etc, is a problem because it corrodes the stuff that protects the battery. Also, many of the super cheap e-bikes and batteries don't have a UL approval for just this reason. I should be fine because I didn't buy a low end bike, we never salt our roads since it doesn't snow, and I don't intend to do much riding when it's wet out although one of the paths I use to get to the safeway and library is often wet because the hillside next to it weeps onto the path all the time.

  2. #22
    Senior Member KayLR's Avatar
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    My grandson, who has autism, will never drive. He does take public transportation to his job, and he's ridden a bike since he was 7 yrs old. But to run quick errands, appointments, or for pleasure, his parents got him an e-bike because you must navigate several steep hills to get there & back most times.

    It's meant a great deal of autonomy for him and his parents don't have to drive him everywhere.
    My therapist told me the way to achieve true inner peace is to finish what I start. So far today, I have finished two bags of M&Ms and a chocolate cake. I feel better already!

  3. #23
    Senior Member iris lilies's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KayLR View Post
    My grandson, who has autism, will never drive. He does take public transportation to his job, and he's ridden a bike since he was 7 yrs old. But to run quick errands, appointments, or for pleasure, his parents got him an e-bike because you must navigate several steep hills to get there & back most times.

    It's meant a great deal of autonomy for him and his parents don't have to drive him everywhere.
    that sounds great for him!

  4. #24
    Senior Member littlebittybobby's Avatar
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    okay----welll! It sounds like I am wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, again! I am a minority of ONE here, because alla you kids just KNOW without a doubt that EBikes are THE perfect solution for everything and everyone, including unlicensed and uninsured drivers with weak legs and no protective gear! So yeah, knowing that, that I would suggest changing the name of the forum to: "The EBike Lovers Forum". The only requirement for membership would be a deep love of EBikes and other electric gadgets, since they are the ideal solution for everyone and everything. Yup. But yeah--Mr Bae has yet to weigh in on the advantages of EBikes, when traveling up and down steep hills, and how EBikes are All Gain, No Pain. I know that he is a pioneer in acquiring the latest new stuff, so yeah--we value his input. Yup. Well, tomorrow I will be putting some serious miles on my littlebitty car, driving and driving and driving--only stopping long enough to eat---to EBike dealers everywhere---in-state, out-of-state, maybe even Canada, to comparison shop and test-ride nice, safe, new, no-pain, all-gain EBikes! I always like to look as though I am "in shape", but I thoroughly DETEST getting out-of-breath and sweaty and smelly in the process. Now that there's the perfect solution with absolutely, positively no disadvantages, pitfalls, downside and so on, I can just do it! I will keep adding entries to this thread, as I shop for EBikes. Yeahhhh! Thankk Mee, and thankk you for showing me how wrong, wrong, wrong I am with your testimonials! Yup.

  5. #25
    Simpleton Alan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by littlebittybobby View Post
    okay----welll! It sounds like I am wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, again! I am a minority of ONE here, because alla you kids just know EBikes are THE perfect solution for everything and everyone! So much so, that I would suggest changing the name of the forum to: "The EBike Lovers Forum". The only requirement for membership would be a deep love of EBikes and other electric gadgets, since they are the ideal solution for everyone and everything. But yeah--Mr Bae has yet to "weigh in" on the advantages of EBikes, when traveling up and down steep hills, and how EBikes are All Gain, No Pain. Yup. Well, tomorrow I will be putting some serious miles on my littlebitty car, driving to EBike dealers everywhere---in-state, out-of-state, maybe even Canada, to comparison shop and test-ride nice, safe, new, no-pain, all-gain EBikes! I always like to look as though I am "in shape", but I thoroughly DETEST getting out-of-breath and sweaty and smelly in the process. Now that there's the perfect solution with absolutely, positively no disadvantages, pitfalls, downside and so on, I can just do it! I will keep adding entries to this thread, as I shop for EBikes. Yeahhhh! Thankk Mee, and thankk you for showing me how wrong, wrong, wrong I am with your testimonials! Yup.
    You're not necessarily wrong, just opinionated, narcissistic and annoying. Luckily, we're all accustomed to that.
    "Things should be made as simple as possible, but not one bit simpler." ~ Albert Einstein

  6. #26
    Senior Member littlebittybobby's Avatar
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    okay----well thanks hAl. You diagnose me as "narcissistic", but are you a licensed psychologist? Gotcha. Yes, probably you are annoyed by my diapproval of consumption-for-the-sake-of-consumption. You no doubt identify with my comments about gross consumption. And third--everyone here is opinionated! Dare to disagree! Ha. But yeah---you kids are perfectly welcome to buy the latest big-ticket depreciating asset that allows you to be a proud consumer of stuff that makes everything easy. That way, you can be cool, going out bicycling, without having to put forth any effort. See? We'll see what the next consumer must-have will be, so that you kids will jump right on it. Yup. Now, get out there and do some yard work; crank up that riding mower! Hope that helps you some. Thankk mee. Yup.
    Last edited by littlebittybobby; 1-13-25 at 2:31am.

  7. #27
    Senior Member littlebittybobby's Avatar
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    okay---I was just sitting here thinking(like Eisenschtein), that since we are all gonna buy into the EBike thing,lock, stock, and barrel, that we should have LOTS of Insurance, with blanket coverage. Wouldn't be prudent without it. Nope. But yeah---maybe we could get get group EBike insurance for forum members and their beloved children, that would save on premiums, which I'm sure would be very costly, given the risks. So anyway---among other things, it would cover accidental death, dismemberment, disability, and property damage, in case our trusty EBike spontaneously combusts and starts a fire and burns down the whole neighborhood. Just like in L.A. Yup. But yeah---that's something Al should look into, for sure. Plus, a clause that holds the members of this forum harmless from lawsuits by lurkers here who experience losses, due to being convinced that yeah---EBikes are THE way to go, now. Yup. Hope that helps you some. Thankk mee.
    Last edited by littlebittybobby; 1-14-25 at 5:25am.

  8. #28
    Senior Member littlebittybobby's Avatar
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    okay-----this thread about those consumeristic appliances I enjoy calling: "weeniebikes" has ground to a halt. Ha--must be the battery. All the more reason to conquer Greenland--when the mile-thick ice cap melts(due to car jocks squandering fossil fuel getting out there on the highways just to drive-n-eat, and pollutting the atmosphere to boot), why--there will be copious deposits of real, honest-to-goodness Lithium, the element used to make E-batteries and treat schizoprenia and other psychiatric disorders that cause delusions of grandeur. . But yeah----I sat-n-watched a youtube video titled: Waukon To Lansing on Day 7 (part 3). But yeah---I didn't see myself though IU was present on that day at that place and time. But yeah---everyone "knows" that Iwah is as flat as a pancake, like Ohioh. Yup. So, no---pedaling from Waukon to Lansing should be super easy, right? But when I got there, I was in line for some odd reason, and there was a young man ahead of mee, chatting with an acquaintance, and he stated that(my recollection, not a quote) it was good that he was able to go home last night and get an EBike, so he could finish up day 7, because his leg was hurting. He clarified to his buddy that he didn't live very far away from the route. The guy was I estimate 1/3 my age 6' tall and athletic looking. But I guess not. Ha. Weenie and a Poseur. But yeah---vested interests are promoting those pieces of CxRxAxP like they are the greatest thing. Ha. And I finished the week, no problem(except for a small crash on day 4)on my used, refurbished, 27-year old road bike, which are no longer the latest thing. Nope You gotta have a stoopud "Gravel Bike", now. Dumb. Fads. Consumer Fads. Yup. Anyway, please tune in to that video on youtube. Day 7, Waukon to Lansing. See?

  9. #29
    Senior Member jp1's Avatar
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    Still LOVING the bike. Monday SO wanted to go bowling since he's in a league and likes to go practice from time to time and it was "$12 for 2 hours on the lane" Monday at the bowling alley the next town over. I rode the bike (14ish miles each way) and met him there. Very nice. And it's obvious that I'm definitely rebuilding my bike muscles. My bowling skills, on the other hand, seem to have declined. I didn't break 100 in four games... And apparently people are actually watching my bike ride videos. This latest one has 23 views! I still only have 1 subscriber so I don't think I'm going to be a youtube superstar. If anyone wants to see what it's like to ride from Novato to Petaluma, and you have a lot of time to kill, here you go...

  10. #30
    Senior Member littlebittybobby's Avatar
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    Okay----iwah is flat. But yeah---don't NEED no weeniEBike ta conquer IWAH--it's flat as a waffle! What hills there are, all go downhill. Yup. (see photo). Nope.

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