okay---EBikes are just pieces o' junk for chinese bike companies to sell to consumers with funny ideas in their head. Don't waste your money on one. End of story. Case closed. Hope that helps you some Thank me.
okay---EBikes are just pieces o' junk for chinese bike companies to sell to consumers with funny ideas in their head. Don't waste your money on one. End of story. Case closed. Hope that helps you some Thank me.
We've been seeing a lot of electric bikes on our annual several month ramble around the south during the winter months. They're very popular at the large Corps of Engineers campgrounds and state parks we frequent and my wife is starting to seriously lust after a couple for us. At the moment she's fixated on the 'Lectric' brand bikes and I'm thinking this current trip may be the last we make without a pair.
"Things should be made as simple as possible, but not one bit simpler." ~ Albert Einstein
o kay, okay----since you kids are ALL gonna get EBikes because all those other people(consumers) are getting EBikes, then it stands to reason that I hafta get one, too. So I too can be a consumer. Ha. Just kidding. But that's the way it works. The latest consumer item--ya gotta have it, right? Using superficial logic that you "need" something, when you just want to keep up with the Joneses. But yeah----I picked up a 2005 Felt 2x 9-speedTri-bike at the hock shop several years ago that looked like it had set in somebodies shed for a decade and took it home & cleaned it up and changed out the aero bars (w/ bar end levers for drop bars) for drop bars with some used integrated shifters that I bought from a guy who crashed his 2014 Salsa that had eleven speed and got this cable gizmo from wolf tooth to make it 2 x 11 speed with mountain bike gearing out back, (even though the pro at the bike shop doubted it to be possible), but it did work, and having that 11 speed liteweight Felt makes all the difference going over the rollers you find on country roads and maintaining your pace. No batteries required. Yup. Hope that helps you some.
Last edited by littlebittybobby; 1-11-25 at 11:57am.
*Okay---here's something else about those pesky ebikes---supplementing a bicycle with a motor---electric or gas---pushes the bike outside the design parameters of a bicycle; especially when doing so is to compensate for an overweight, unfit rider. A bicycle should be ridden only as fast as the rider can pedal it, and a little less. Cycling isn't just about leg power---it requires conditioning of the whole body, including the brain. Compare it to skateboarding. One o' my bike routes has a two-mile downhill stretch of old highway, and you can just coast, going up to 28 miles per hour, which is very fast on a bike. With me on that bike, that I've ridden 1000's of miles, with drop bars and a good fit, I just know it is unsafe. All I'd need to do is hit a pothole or a small rock or swerve to miss something, or even an instant of inattention, and I would be down on the pavement with severe injuries. It takes my whole body to maintain control. Bike tires and wheels are very narrow to reduce weight, rolling resistance and improve aerodynamics, compared to motor vehicles---and that applies to ebikes. A factor which makes them less forgiving of mistakes. But, that is not the only problem with them, but one of the major ones. Hope that helps you some. People like to try and argue with me using several tactics: That I am not "qualified" to make any claims(noooo, i don't have a degree in rocket science) or quibble about details(splitting hairs) or dredge up anecdotal "evidence" they heard from their brothers' uncles' wifes' nephew or whoever; and most often--personal attacks and name calling. (oh, bobby--you troll; youdon't approve of anything and other trite statements). You know who you are. But yeah---go ahead and waste your money to participate in the latest fad; there's always craigslist, f-book market place, yard sales, hock shops, and of course---the dumpster, when you need to tidy up and dispose o' that EBike you bought and now never use. Yup. Classify under: fast-depreciating asset. Yup. Thank mee. One other anecdote: The headline reads: Comedian from Springfield dies in New York bicycle accident. This happened recently to a guy in the prime of his life, and if you read more about the tragedy, you will learn that he was riding an EBike in Brooklyn, and hit a parked car. Not wearing a helmet, either. Just trying to get around, without working up a sweat, and the expense of using a small car. See? Hope that helps you some.
jp, please pay careful attention to reviews about charging issues about whatever you buy. It's probably an issue with cheap Chinese ebikes, but there have been a lot of fires caused by ebike batteries being charged inside. The condo complex where I live has actually banned ebike battery charging (a charger was caught smoking in another building).
okay----edited to add: anyone caught buying an EBike will be permanently BLOCKED by me! The reason they are having all these Los Angleees fires is not global warming or lesbian fire chiefs; the cause is EBikes EXPLODING! Yup. So yeah---DO NOT be a menace to society. Yup. Hope that helps you some. Thankk mee.
okay---since you kids want to shop-n-buy something, I would suggest this(see photo). But yeah---buy a jump rope and start ussing it on a daily basis. It won't be long until you are very proficient, like Lauren, age 33, in the photo. Yup.2025-01-11 (5).jpg
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