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Thread: Your Personal Food Philosophy

  1. #1
    Senior Member HappyHiker's Avatar
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    Your Personal Food Philosophy

    Someone asked me this question the other night and it's been on my mind ever since. So I thought I'd ask you all:

    Do you eat to live -- OR do you live to eat?

    What's your practice on this?

    (I've given it thought and realize when I was younger I lived to eat and my eating habits were not very healthful. Now that I'm older (perhaps a tad wiser??) I now try my best to eat to live. Eating whole foods seems to aid my well-being...)

    What about you??
    peaceful, easy feeling

  2. #2
    Senior Member iris lilies's Avatar
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    I only WISH I ate to live. My waistline shows which camp I am in.

  3. #3
    Senior Member HappyHiker's Avatar
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    Post-holiday eating rampage, I feel much the same. Just hopped back on the healthful eating wagon.

    I've a favorite pair of back jeans. When they become painfully snug, I change my evil eating ways...damn jeans!! Nag, nag, nag.
    Last edited by HappyHiker; 1-11-25 at 12:27pm. Reason: typo
    peaceful, easy feeling

  4. #4
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    I probably am in the "live to eat" camp, but am in the process of trying to re-adjust my attitude and get into the "eat to live" camp.
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  5. #5
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    Over the past few months, I have been in the eat to live category. I am watching carbs, salt and sugar and note that over time, things I used to like taste too sweet or too salty now. Once your taste buds and preferences change, seems to me one can be in both camps as you will begin to seek out and enjoy healthier options. The old options no longer appeal at all.

  6. #6
    Senior Member catherine's Avatar
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    Definitely the eat to live camp. Unlike DH, I'm not a foodie. I like simple, functional food. My personal philosophy of good eating (I certainly am very hit and miss on the practice of it) is Michael Pollan's advice: "Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants." I would eat healthier if DH didn't cook becase he never met a fat he didn't like, but of course, I'm grateful he does.
    "Do any human beings ever realize life while they live it--every, every minute?" Emily Webb, Our Town

  7. #7
    Senior Member HappyHiker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by catherine View Post
    Definitely the eat to live camp. Unlike DH, I'm not a foodie. I like simple, functional food. My personal philosophy of good eating (I certainly am very hit and miss on the practice of it) is Michael Pollan's advice: "Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants." I would eat healthier if DH didn't cook becase he never met a fat he didn't like, but of course, I'm grateful he does.
    I'm pretty much in your camp -- except my DH does not cook. So I'm our full-time chef--and I enjoy cooking--90% of the time. The other times, my fingers call the nearby and pretty good Chinese restaurant for pick-up.

    Most fats are pretty good for us...

    The evil culprit causing us so much grief seems to be the foods with processed carbs and sugar...I try, and am experimenting, with some of the ancient grains such as quinoa and such Avoiding wheat--which is everywhere these days--along with added sugars....

    When I want to drop some weight or feel better, I find limiting the white, empty carbs is the way to go...

    Trying to make the "live to eat" directive more healthful as I do really enjoy my grub. Spices are fun to experiment with...

    It's an ongoing battle to cook wisely given our processed foods these days...aisles of it at the grocery store to avoid...
    peaceful, easy feeling

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by catherine View Post
    Michael Pollan's advice: "Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants."
    I'm definitely stealing this to use as my new food mantra! Thanks!
    To give pleasure to a single heart by a single act is better than a thousand heads bowing in prayer." Mahatma Gandhi
    Be nice whenever possible. It's always possible. HH Dalai Lama
    In a world where you can be anything - be kind. Unknown

  9. #9
    Senior Member HappyHiker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by happystuff View Post
    I'm definitely stealing this to use as my new food mantra! Thanks!
    I like Pollan's writing and philosophy. I've read several of his books. When he says, "Eat food..." he's referring to "real food"--whole foods-- rather than what he called "food-like substances" of the highly processed variety.

    I try to keep that in mind. Eat a baked potato but not potato chips, for example.

    Don't know Pollan said it, but I like the quote, "Eat food that's made on a plant (of the growing variety)-- not food that's made in a plant.
    peaceful, easy feeling

  10. #10
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    There is kind of a fun app called Yuka that reads the bar codes of packaged foods and cosmetics. It shows you if too much sugar, carbs, additives etc. I went through my pantry looking at various items and almost all said too much sodium. Even the "healthy" ones.

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