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Thread: I fear the worst.....

  1. #1
    Senior Member gimmethesimplelife's Avatar
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    I fear the worst.....

    Trump's expansion plans - what is your take? I will hold off take as case it's a given i just worry for us all. Rob

  2. #2
    Senior Member iris lilies's Avatar
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    I know! As much as I love Canadians, I will likely find them insufferable as compatriots. I like them in their own place. I expect them to be whiney complainers when they arrive here and find no national health care and 1st/2nd amendment guarantees to keep them from their little citizens’ rights restricting games.

    I DO like the idea of all that oil and gold flowing into our country, tho.

    Do ya think Canada will be carved into 2 states? 3 states?

    Edited to add: Hilariously, I am watching old episodes of The Good Wife and in this episode 19 a Canadian judge just made snarky remarks about the lack of National health care in the U.S. as well as our Feds spying on our citizens.

  3. #3
    Senior Member HappyHiker's Avatar
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    My fervent hope is that it's just loose talk and not reality. So many things to improve on the home front without any expansion.
    peaceful, easy feeling

  4. #4
    Senior Member
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    Canada? No thank you. Who needs another California mucking up our politics? Where would disappointed progressives threaten to move to? And US corporations need somewhere to invert to. Let’s just pay market prices for plywood and uranium and let them be.

    Panama? Why buy the cow? If the balloon goes up, even our etiolated navy should be able to snatch it back from the Chinese. We could improve our maritime trade just as much by repealing the Jones Act and treating the longshoreman’s unions like the rent-seeking brigands they are.

    Greenland? We don’t really need another Puerto Rico. The Greenlandic Premier has already indicated a willingness to make a deal that preserves their independence. We can maintain or enhance our military presence as needed to keep the barbarians out, and negotiate some kind of mining deal. We get to keep building Teslas and autonomous war machines, and they get a Norway-style sovereign wealth fund.

    I don’t see any reason to go all Putin or Polk on the world to safeguard our interests.

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