Hello! I wanted to introduce myself ... I discovered this forum pretty recently and was happy to discover that it's active :)
A little bit about myself: I grew up in a frugal family (the oldest child!) and definitely internalized being able to do without luxuries. My parents got less frugal as I got older (I think thanks to cc debt mainly), so now I'm pretty much as frugal as they were 20 years ago. Also growing up I was very interested in all sorts of alternative lifestyles, ranging from hippies to monks/ascetics. I still am interested in alternative living (definitely considering vanlife of some sort, whether on a shortish term trip or possibly longer term).
Now as a single adult, I have disposable income (though my income is below average and I live in a high cost of living area of the east coast). I'm still trying to find the balance of saving and enjoying life. I do struggle with jealousy sometimes of other peoples' nice cars or whatever (though I tell myself that you never know what type of debt/stress they have because of it). I feel like half of me is frugal and cares about simple living and not being wasteful and unduly harmful to the environment, but the other half of me wants to 'finally live' and just spend, spend, spend and enjoy a larger lifestyle.
In terms of hobbies, chess and music are the main ones. Maybe after the winter ends I'll try something outdoors (running or biking).
That's a little bit about me. I hope to learn more about you guys and hear your thoughts.