okay---it is a problem, one that contributes to escalating housing prices. That, and honey-whipped guys who are all-thumbs, that "need" move-in-ready homes, irregardless of the price. Even if the owners(before the heir and the flipper) committed suicide there & his spouse died a slow death of cancer there! It should be marked:STIGMATIZED and sell for much less, instead of three times or more what the inbred hillbilly paid the heirs for it! Well, shouldn't it? Yup. I don't want to go any further with this, except to say the place creeps me out, and the house should've been demolished(or torched, like the other two death houses in the hood), but no---hillbilly inbred flipper and his sissy realtor wants THREE TIMES what he paid for it, after slicking 'er up like a used car to flip! I hate flippers. Don't you? Try not to get upset with me. Thanks.