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Thread: The Daily Peeve / Rant

  1. #1
    Senior Member Jemima's Avatar
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    The Daily Peeve / Rant

    I've purchased several small items in the past two weeks and I'm fed up to there with customer-unfriendly packaging, particularly plastic stuff.

    The first item was a wireless mouse (love it!) which came in heavy-duty plastic, sealed at all edges, with a convenient hole for fastening on a pegboard hook. Never mind I mail-ordered it.

    The second is some mid-weight cotton socks bought at the supermarket. The socks have those icky little plastic fasteners that hold the socks together tightly enough so that it's difficult to cut the plastic thingie without cutting the socks. Then there's the wee plastic hanger that seems to be useful only for filling up odd corners in the recycle bin. (No, wait - surely there's some artsy-craftsy use for these things. Let me think.)

    Two things rub me the wrong way about bad packaging: 1) the assumption that the majority of customers are thieves who will take anything small enough to tuck into pocket or purse; and 2) the utter disregard for the many of us who have pain in our hands and arms.

    Since I'm setting the rules for this post , only one peeve per day per person is permitted, lest we begin dwelling overmuch on the negative.
    Last edited by iris lily; 7-28-14 at 8:05pm.

  2. #2
    Senior Member treehugger's Avatar
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    Here's mine for today: an import I have been doing for months into the database I "live in" at work has just turned out to not be working the way we thought. Argh.


  3. #3
    Senior Member larknm's Avatar
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    Medical costs.
    I think deep in our hearts we know that our comforts, our conveniences are at the expense of other people. Grace Lee Boggs

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    I pulled a muscle yawning.
    My blog:

    Guess why I smile? Because it's worth it. -Marcel the Shell with Shoes

  5. #5
    Moderator Float On's Avatar
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    By a lake in MO
    Speaking of hard to get into packaging. I needed a pair of scissors to get into the packaging for .....the new pair of scissors I bought.
    Float On: My "Happy Place" is on my little kayak in the coves of Table Rock Lake.

  6. #6
    Senior Member Gina's Avatar
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    When shopping on the internet, I want to know what shipping/handling charges will be fairly quickly. But way too many sites make you take the time to fill in a long form with your name/address/phone/email before they will let you know how much they will charge to get your purchase to you. I just hate that! So they make me waste valuable time filling in fast jibberish to find out what I want to know... And, yes, sometimes S/H is too expensive to place the order. I guess they think if I've gone that far, I'll click 'buy' anyway. Not so. If I have a choice, I will not buy from someone who makes me jump through those hoops. But sometimes it's necessary. Grr rrr rr

  7. #7
    Low Tech grunt iris lily's Avatar
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    My peeve is that I'm allowed only one peeve for the day.

    ha ha kidding.

  8. #8
    Originally posted by Jemima.
    The socks have those icky little plastic fasteners that hold the socks together tightly enough so that it's difficult to cut the plastic thingie without cutting the socks.
    Yes, one of my major pet peeves!

    Quote Originally Posted by Float On View Post
    Speaking of hard to get into packaging. I needed a pair of scissors to get into the packaging for .....the new pair of scissors I bought.
    Isn't that the truth!!! ROTFLMAO! Not funny, really, but it truly has gotten ridiculous hasn't it!

    Originally posted by Gina.
    When shopping on the internet, I want to know what shipping/handling charges will be fairly quickly. But way too many sites make you take the time to fill in a long form with your name/address/phone/email before they will let you know how much they will charge to get your purchase to you. I just hate that! So they make me waste valuable time filling in fast jibberish to find out what I want to know...
    Whenever I come up against this, I opt for manual, i.e. a customer service rep.

  9. #9
    Senior Member bekkilyn's Avatar
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    Moronic, distracted drivers who refuse to go at least the posted speed limit on a two lane road (where no one else can pass) on a clear day with no obvious road hazards mandating the slower speeds. It's even more annoying when they consistently waver between slow and slower.

  10. #10
    Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Float On View Post
    Speaking of hard to get into packaging. I needed a pair of scissors to get into the packaging for .....the new pair of scissors I bought.
    Kind of reminds me of a great routine that Lily Tomlin did many years ago....

    "And here we are careening recklessly into the next millenium. I don't know about you, but I'm not packed... I feel as though I've been lost and bewildered most of my life. Like the time I bought a wastepaper basket and I carried it home in a paper bag. And when I got home, I put the paper bag in the wastepaper basket."

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