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Thread: The Daily Peeve / Rant

  1. #21
    Senior Member
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    Boston, MA
    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs-M View Post
    People still living in the 70's who throw cigarette butts out the windows of their vehicles! I smoked for years, yet never used to toss my butts out the window. Also, I never got in the habit of throwing my spent butt down onto the sidewalk in the path of others. Took but a second to stop, take one last drag of cigarette, then butt it out on the curb, away from peoples walking space.
    As an add to this - not sure what it's like in other parts of the country, but here in MA, why is it people toss scratch tickets onto the ground, even if they don't toss anything else? They are everywhere.

  2. #22
    Senior Member Jemima's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs-M View Post
    Also, change counters at busy checkouts! Grrr!!! Or, what I just happened upon a few weeks back. A lady, directly in front of me at the liquor store, was pulling out every stitch of change she had, slowly, as if she was the only one in the line that day, and after she was satisfied with the result, she proceeded to tell the cashier, "I want to use as much change as possible, while keeping the most dollar bills". At that point, the cashier glanced over at me and rolled his eyes as if to relay to me, "I'm sorry for the wait", so with a friendly smile, I rolled my eyes back at him as if to say, "it's OK". His frustration over the lady was apparent.
    Tsk, tsk. That's two peeves in one day. I'll have to think up an appropriate penalty. Ideas anyone?

  3. #23
    Senior Member Jemima's Avatar
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    I'm so sick to death of lawnmower noise I'm hoping for an early winter. October 1st would be good for a snowstorm, I think.

  4. #24
    Originally posted by Creaker.
    As an add to this - not sure what it's like in other parts of the country, but here in MA, why is it people toss scratch tickets onto the ground, even if they don't toss anything else? They are everywhere.
    How utterly shameful. I can only imagine that those doing the tossing never think about the ramifications of "what if". "What if everyone did the same"?

  5. #25
    Originally posted by Jemima.
    I'll have to think up an appropriate penalty. Ideas anyone?
    I've been thinking about the same thing myself.

    P.S. Re: lawnmower noise, I too am tired of it! Can't wait for Mr. Frost to arrive!!!

  6. #26
    Dirty disposable diapers at the side of highways/roadways! This one makes me mad! I'm assuming those dirty diapers we see, the ones all rolled up in a ball and sitting on the side (soft-shoulder) of our roadways and highways, are either tossed from open windows of moving vehicles, or simply dropped (deposited) on the ground at time of changing, then left.

    But, doubly mad I get when I see a dirty disposable diaper left in a shopping cart, or on the ground of a mall parking lot!!! The epitome of the most inconsiderate, ignorant, asinine thing one can do!

    Excellent cases (examples) for the use of, and full return of, the cloth diaper!

  7. #27
    Appropriate punishment/penalty related to those caught disposing of disposable diapers unlawfully, a pair of rubber gloves, a poker stick, a large plastic garbage bag, and 40 hours of community service picking up garbage!

  8. #28
    Senior Member Jemima's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs-M View Post
    Dirty disposable diapers at the side of highways/roadways! This one makes me mad! I'm assuming those dirty diapers we see, the ones all rolled up in a ball and sitting on the side (soft-shoulder) of our roadways and highways, are either tossed from open windows of moving vehicles, or simply dropped (deposited) on the ground at time of changing, then left.

    But, doubly mad I get when I see a dirty disposable diaper left in a shopping cart, or on the ground of a mall parking lot!!! The epitome of the most inconsiderate, ignorant, asinine thing one can do!

    Excellent cases (examples) for the use of, and full return of, the cloth diaper!
    UGH!!! I think the penalty you suggest is way too mild! Repeat offenders should have to do double time with no gloves or stick!!! I've never even liked the idea of child seats in grocery store carts. Staples or Ace Hardware, fine, but not a food store.

  9. #29
    Originally posted by Jemima.
    I think the penalty you suggest is way too mild!
    Come to think of it, it is too mild isn't it. Love your "no gloves or stick" idea!!! Re: child-seats and grocery store carts..... it is a rather nasty idea now that I think of it. P.S. The things thread topics do to us and our minds!

  10. #30
    Senior Member SiouzQ.'s Avatar
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    Why, oh why, do I ALWAYS get a cold/sinus issues before a gig!$%^##@!! Drat! Tomorrow night is THE BIG ONE Birthday Bash and my entire family is actually going to be in town and come to my party (my dad, brother and sister have never seen me perform). I woke up this morning with a horrible sinus headache, scratchy throat, drippy nose (same cold I had three weeks ago). I eat a very healthy diet, take a daily multi-vitamin plus exta C, use the neti pot every morning wash my hands a lot, and still.....

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