I have a housing dilemma, and no one locally with a SL perspective with whom to talk it through. So, I need your wisdom!
Background: Short version of very long story: I've been unemployed due to a budgetary cut of my executive job in a non-profit agency. Been a final candidate for several positions - in and out of state - but not offered the position (because the organization has deferred hiring until the economy improves, or they've offered the position to someone else).
I'm a single mom of 3 children (2 still at home, one with special needs, and 1 in college), and have worked in churches and non-profit organizations.
I've received some hardship assistance on my mortgage through a federal program.
The last payment will be in April. I doubt that I'll be able to afford the mortgage/taxes/insurance/maintenance/repairs even when employed again, as it will take months to make up lost financial ground.
Dilemma: The few friends, neighbors and family members (save one) who know of my situation think I should just stay put, as they know 'lots of people' who have stopped paying their mortgage for 1-2 years as the lenders have done little to move toward foreclosure. They opine that I should do this, especially as I've "done nothing wrong" regarding the layoff, finances, etc.
I think I should put the house on the market (and have been organizing/purging/packing), and prepare to downsize to an apt or condo, and/or to move out of state.
The above-mentioned folks emphasize that staying put would provide more stablility for the kids, safe neighborhood, yard for the dogs, keep my support systems in place, more time to look for a job, etc.
This all appeals to me, but I also feel that it's time to cut my losses and move on. (I will unfortunately be paying off the large bill for the roof I had to put on the house for a long time, but there's nothing I can do to change that now.)
I have been craving a return to a minimalist lifestyle for several years, but it's been challenging to limit the 'stuff' with daughters who are very emotionally attached to their school work, art, stuffed animals, etc. It is also important to me to 'take the high road' -- although I could stay in the house for many more months, it isn't the right thing to do if I can't afford it (and will also hurt my credit score and potential to buy a home in the future).
Have any of you faced a similar dilemma? If so, do you have wisdom to share re: your decision process? In trying to stay true to my strong ethical compass, are my eyes closed to other options? (Already explored having a roommate, but there's not enough room.)
I spent the day 'purging' and am about ready to sign with a realtor, but am having 'jitters' about my decision.
Thanks for listening and your SL advice!