I forgot to respond your question about pests. I haven't had problems with insects. (I think the birds take care of those.) The chickens help, too. I have had critters at night come and chomp on my pomegranates and persimmons. Last year something ate all the pomegranates. I think there were over a hundred on that one bush. This was the first year I'd ever had a problem. If it happens this year, I'll pick the fruit early, and try to ripen it inside. Maybe in a brown bag or on the counter. Once the persimmons were getting eaten, I picked them early and ripened them inside and in the freezer. I have lost some trees, ( I think to fireblight.) I just plan to have challenges, but each year is better. I plant extra vegetables, and try to work around the problem, if possible. A gopher ate all 35 of my onions, but at least that kept him busy, and I got everything else. Netting can help, too.