Originally Posted by
I appreciate your responding to my post and not writing me off as a loon. It's true that I don't know a whole lot about economics, but I think I know enough about the basics to know that more thinking out of the box to make the existing status quo work better for everyone might do us all a lot of good.
I'd guess there are plenty of people who are willing to make changes if they make sense. So let's take this:
The Wall Street economy features the absentee ownership of global publicly-traded, limited-liability corporations for which short-term financial profit is the sole measure of performance.
I think bae and kib have both made similar criticisms in the past so you may not be alone on this one. What I'd like to see is an analysis of the costs of moving to an alternative system. In particular how much value is lost if you move away from economies of scale. Or how do you preserve economies of scale in your alternative system? There's a reason why most of us don't buy cars from a local car maker or rely on your neighbor's cousin for all your air travel needs.