Like any of you own one? I have seriously considered getting one, but want more info first. I know they can be spendy, but I have recently come into a bit of money and can afford a wise indulgence.

The reason I want one is that I spend a good time of my weekend and one weeknight vacuuming and my vac is as heavy as a boat anchor (old Kirby). It is getting difficult for me to lift into the house from the room it's stored in (there's a step) and even attaching the attachments hurts my arthritic hands. Whiny I know, but I've really been dealing with this for a while.

I'm getting so I resent all the time I spend sucking up cat hair and dust and one of these would just do it for me, freeing me up to do stuff I want to do like gardening and sewing.

But are they all they're cracked up to be performance-wise? Do they need to be recharged often?