This topic came up for me in a discussion with my niece about family biases and being aware of them, and making conscious decisions vs just absorbing the norms of your family of origin.

What are you most judgey about?

In my family, my mom was/is super judgey about : women she thought were "loose", and people who weren't "following the rules"/conventions of society at the time (getting married at the right time to a person of the right economic status) . She also was insecure about her lack of formal education, and projected a lot about that. Example: when I used a more than 2 syllable word, I was "putting on airs" or a "show off". She came from poverty/war zone and never had much and made a big deal about obvious displays of "wealth" (for her it was jewelry and collectibles like Hummels and LLadros).

While I am not judgey over the same topics I grew up with, I am judgey about: 1) inauthentic people. I just have a radar for when someone is trying to impress me or others or is trying to project a certain image that doesn't seem to ring true. 2) people in situations of their own making but unwilling to see their own participation and stubbornness to not change in any way and in the same situations over and over 3) people who are cheap (not just money but also time) by putting the burden on other people (example: my sisters BF who will get cheap airline tickets that require her to pick him up at midnight on a work night, because he is also too cheap to pay for airport parking). I am not judgey about people who make different decisions and choices for themselves and own it.

What about you? What do you tsk tsk in your head about?