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Thread: How does the government actually intrude?

  1. #31
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    I got really really screwed by taxation, to a degree that is hard to fathom. This is not just your run of the mill complaining about taxes though I do that (and complain about work, and complain about the weather, and complain about traffic, and complain about the line at the store and .... ).

    But no in all seriousness, THIS IS REAL. A real true crime pretty much. Some other financial figuring related to taxes brought it up today and it's like a kick in the gut and a sinking feeling in the stomach all over again, and a feeling of loss (the loss was purely financial but nonetheless). And I realized then I had repressed thoughts about this issue (since last April). Because I had to repress it, I was also unemployed and HAD to deal with THAT, I couldn't spend time thinking of how badly I got screwed all the time. I had to move on with life. But it still hurts, and causes paranoid feelings of distrust of everything if I think about it. The tax code is not fair (and it's not progressiveness I'm taking issue with or even capital gains or anything like that), it's not just.

    None of this is to deny that I have been financially pretty fortunate in life overall. I know that, I know it well, counting one's blessings and so on. That's how I've dealt with it. It was some small tiny bit of fortunateness that led me into this snare in the first place, but the snare itself was entirely unjust. It could be worse, I do remind myself that the actual dollar amounts weren't astronomical (nor were they amounts I can save up quickly of course! they were significant just not astronomical)

    Easy come, easy go, such is money .... sigh .............
    Last edited by ApatheticNoMore; 11-6-11 at 2:40am.
    Trees don't grow on money

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Minneapolis, MN
    ANM's post about taxes reminded me to post about the State of California and their ridiculous fraud just shy of a Nigerian e-mail scheme.

    We moved out of CA in March of 2006. We filed our taxes, but we only had income for two months and it wasn't enough to owe or get anything back so we didn't think another thing of it. Suddenly in 2008 we were getting mail saying that we never filed our taxes in 2006 and that the government had decided that we owed $2000. We sent back their appeals form, which they again said they didn't get, and we got a letter telling us they were going to start garnishing our wages. I called and spent an hour and a half on hold. Eventually some cheery woman tells me that they send out those letters to all people who held professional licenses (DH had a security guard card from his early twenties) who don't make as much in a year as the average for their field. She cheerfully removed it, admitting that we didn't even have to file taxes with the amount of income we had made in CA that year and noting that we had moved out of state.

    We were ticked. How many people just pay up because of the threat of the government garnishing their wages? Then this year, they sent another letter saying we hadn't filed our CA taxes for 2009 and again giving us a bill for the taxes. In 2009 we had lived in Minnesota for 3 years. We called again, spent another hour and a half on the phone explaining that we had moved to Minnesota. This person told us that we had to call another agency and have DH's guard card, which again, he hasn't used in a decade, deactivated. They transfered us to an agency that told us they had no idea what the person was talking about. We called the tax people back and the person who answered said they weren't going to transfer us to the agency or give us that number. Google it, they said and hung up. We called back again and were again transfered to a different agency, this one telling us that it wasn't possible to deactivate the guard card. So according to the tax people, we can expect to get this letter every year until the card expires even though the state of California has been informed several times that we do not live there and have not lived there since 2006.
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    Guess why I smile? Because it's worth it. -Marcel the Shell with Shoes

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